L-Theanine Dose for Anxiety Relief

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L-Theanine is an over-the-counter dietary supplement easily found in health food and supplement stores. Its health benefits include boosting serotonin levels, lessening the bad side effects of caffeine, and promoting sleep. It’s sold as a nootropic that also reduces anxiety symptoms.

L-Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid and is one of the main psychoactive compounds in green tea.

It was discovered in green tea leaves in 1949 and then extracted in 1950. In 1964, L-Theanine won approval in Japan for unlimited use in food and drinks.

How much L-theanine to take for anxiety?

The most common dose for l-theanine when dealing with anxiety is 200mg to 500mg. However the ideal dosage may be more or less dependent on the severity of symptoms.

Anxiety symptoms can present themselves in varying forms, such as increased heart rate, breathing rapidly, trouble concentrating, nervousness, etc.

So, the answer to the question, how much l-theanine to take for your anxiety? Well, it depends on you, your environment, and your symptoms.

Dosage when taking l-theanine for the first time

Even though l-theanine is an exceptionally safe compound, it may cause some users headaches, nausea, and irritability. Nausea, however,  is mainly linked with l-theanine through green tea rather than when taken via supplements.

As mentioned, the typical dose for l-theanine is 200mg to 500mg. However, a first dose of up to 1,200mg should be safe. The smart idea is to start with a lower dosage for the first time to avoid any adverse side effects. 

Effects of l-theanine at different doses

The effects of l-theanine taken alone for social anxiety are mild, and it is also a non-sedative, so little to no drowsiness.

If you are dealing with low-level social anxiety, 200mg is a good dose. If you have more severe anxiety, slowly increase daily levels and see how you feel. i.e., start at 300mg and add an extra hundred milligrams daily

At higher doses you may be able to limit the anxiety caused by a fear of public speaking, or a panic attack

 L-Theanine and caffeine dosage

L-theanine has interesting reactions with other compounds, especially with caffeine. The ‘nootropic stack’ (mixing supplements for extra benefits) of l-theanine and caffeine is well known and is a staple of the smart-drug aficionados.

Caffeine improves cognitive performance but creates anxiety, while l-theanine improves cognitive performance but reduces anxiety. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine dosage at a 2:1 ratio enhances the benefits of both. Many feel it promotes human cognition positively.  

Benefits may also include increased reaction times and improvements in acute attention and task switching agility.  

L-Theanine Warnings & Interactions

A study done with caffeine and green tea catechins found the stack was effective against influenza infections among healthcare providers.

Some suggest taking it with alcohol for positive effects. The main benefit when drinking alcohol may be that it prevents alcoholic liver injury.

*If you are on any prescription medications, please consult your healthcare provider before starting on any supplement that could mix negatively.

Eric Van Buskirk
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